Saturday, February 13, 2021

Acid Reflux Meds And Dementia

Acid reflux drugs, like nexium, have long been known to cause some very serious side effects among them are problems such as anemia, heart problems, hypertension, osteoporosis and further digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) in fact, drugs used to treat acid reflux do not treat the condition itself but only the symptoms. Acid reflux meds and dementia. (reuters health) – - repeated use of a certain class of drugs for gastric reflux or peptic ulcers was linked with a higher risk for dementia among patients in germany, researchers say.

acid reflux meds and dementia

Alzheimer's, dementia, common medications increase risk ...

Alzheimer's, dementia, common medications increase risk

MultiBrief: Studies find more reasons to be cautious of ...

They adjusted their analysis to control for age, race, sex, education, vascular diseases, depression, or anticholinergic or histamine-2 receptor antagonist use the latter drug also reduces acid reflux, and some studies have implicated it in increasing risk of cognitive impairment. Drugs for acid reflux carry risk of dementia. millions of people each day struggle with a painful condition known as acid reflux. along with heartburn, acid reflux causes damage to your stomach and esophagus and can lead to ulcers. many people turn to proton pump inhibitors like prevacid, prilosec and nexium – and these drugs work!. A popular class of heartburn medications might raise a senior's risk of dementia, a new study suggests. called proton pump inhibitors (ppis) , this group of drugs includes prilosec, nexium and.

more info acid reflux meds and dementia---> click here