According to the october 2009 guidelines from the north american society for pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition (naspghan), reflux in some infants occurs due to an allergy to proteins in cow’s milk 1 these proteins may pass to infants via breast milk if the mother is consuming cow's milk. Acid reflux in babies and breast milk. Breast milk digests much easier than formula, which therefore reduces the chances of acid reflux occurrence in a breastfed baby another reason why breastfeeding is a superior option: babies that are breastfed, are held more upright when fed, which in turn keeps the acid down.
acid reflux in babies and breast milk
What might help acid reflux in infants and babies one of the things that helps a lot of little ones is to angle the crib or bassinet to an angle that makes your baby swallow and digest better there are also great wedges like this memory foam pillow that help to angle your baby properly in his or her bassinet.