"swollen bumps below and to side of tonsil ent said from acid reflux does acid reflux actually cause this" answered by dr louis gallia: yes: yes could be inflamed lymphoid tissue follow ent docs advice a. Acid reflux one swollen tonsil. In the situation discussed below, inflamed tonsils due to cryptic tonsillitis may be causing an incorrect diagnosis your question hello, i am a 49-year-old caucasian male four years ago my family doctor diagnosed me with acid reflux after going to his office with a sore throat.
acid reflux one swollen tonsil
Reflux, viruses, allergies, and even certain foods can cause pain or swelling in the throat and possibly increased production of mucus and saliva this may prompt you to experience pain while. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. a study presented at the 2007 american academy of otolaryngology—head and neck surgery foundation annual meeting reveals a connection between gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as gerd, and enlarged tonsils 3.according to mayoclinic.com, gerd occurs when stomach acid and bile flows from the stomach back into the esophagus, which irritates the lining. Could acid reflux be causing issues with my tonsils? my tonsils stay red and irritated looking most of the time. some days it will feel as though one of my tonsils is swollen when i swallow and also hurts when i yawn. currently have white spots on one of my tonsils and well as holes on both sides what weren't there until the last couple months..