Sunday, June 27, 2021

Cough Due To Gerd+treatment

Treatment for a chronic cough caused by acid reflux aims to reduce the reflux that is causing or worsening the coughing this is often done through medication. Cough due to gerd+treatment. Treating gerd-related cough gerd-related cough is slightly more complicated than one would imagine because it can be caused by both acidic as well as non-acidic stomach contents highly acidic contents of the stomach may cause heartburn due to the burning and inflammation of the sensitive esophageal lining that is clearly not meant to resist.

cough due to gerd+treatment

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Inquire about surgery if other treatments fail to stop your gerd cough, ask your doctor if anti-reflux surgery is appropriate for you your doctor may refer you to a gastroenterologist, who specializes in conditions of the digestive tract, including gerd anti-reflux surgery will stop a gerd cough. A: gerd is one of the most common causes of chronic cough. gerd cough treatment ranges from lifestyle changes like propping your bed at night to over-the-counter and prescription-strength medications. gerd treatments that may help relieve gerd cough include: . lifestyle changes and home remedies, such as wearing loose clothing, propping your upper body when sleeping, and avoiding gerd trigger. Lifestyle changes, such as diet, weight loss, and smoking cessation, can go a long way in reducing acid reflux-induced coughing. according to, eliminating high-fat foods, chocolate and citric acid, and reducing spicy dishes and foods high in sodium, will not only help control your acid reflux but also quell the cough that tends to accompany symptoms..

more info cough due to gerd+treatment---> click here