Monday, December 28, 2020

Can Acid Reflux Medication Cause High Blood Pressure

Though your acid reflux may not be causing your high blood pressure, if you take certain medications, it could be your high blood pressure causing your acid reflux [2] high blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when blood is pumped more forcefully than normal through the arteries. Can acid reflux medication cause high blood pressure. The role of gastroesophageal reflux in provoking high blood pressure episodes in patients with hypertension li zt(1), ji f(1), han xw(1), wang l(1), yue yq(2), wang zg(1) author information: (1)department of interventional radiology and gerd.

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By scott baltic new york (reuters health) - in patients with both gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd) and essential hypertension, episodes of reflux can trigger elevations in blood pressure (bp), especially at night, according to research from china. Some medications can weaken the les or cause it to relax, giving stomach acid access to the esophagus. many medications work on a type of tissue called smooth muscle to relax it -- they do so in blood vessels to lower blood pressure and in the airways and intestines to reverse spasm or constriction.. "in this study, gerd is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure, or hypertension, and blood pressure can actually improve with treatment of the acid reflux," explains william j. bulsiewicz, md, a gastroenterologist in mount pleasant, south carolina, and author of the forthcoming book fiber fueled. "the question is 'why?'".

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